December 5 & 6, 2024
The Meridian Arts Commission is once again putting a festive twist on their popular annual Meridian Art Drop by hosting the Meridian Ornament Drop and Seek.
All ages and artistic abilities are encouraged to make handmade holiday ornaments to hide (or "drop") in downtown Meridian December 5 & 6 for others to find and keep as a gift. Ornaments can be hung from trees, propped on window sills, or placed in any number of creative locations for someone else to find.
Those lucky enough to find an ornament (only one per person, please) are encouraged to post a photo of it on social media using the hashtag #meridianornamentdrop, or email the Meridian Arts Commission at mac@meridiancity.org for the Arts Commission to post.

2. Label it
Label your creation with your name and information.
Download the labels here »

3. Share it
Share by hiding your art in downtown Meridian
Post hints to where your art is hidden using our hashtag #MeridianOrnamentDrop.
Wondering where to drop your ornaments?
Here is the Drop Zone Map! All art should be placed within the zone depicted below.